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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2018 in Posts

  1. I know it's been some time, but do you have any detail on this? That's not a very clear issue. Unfortunately, due to school and work we haven't made any decision on whether to continue updating this or anything else. We have plenty of ideas, we just haven't had the time.
    1 point
  2. Another set of cars, really sweet older style ambulances dating back to 2011 something - the larger on T5 is Paramedik (paramdeic vehicle) and smaller is Doktor (doctor vehicle) these were one of the first in the Czech Republic to use a randez-vouzs system for EMS (like NEF and RTW) Credits: T5 Paramedik - Nicco, Itchboy, Niederwallufer, DLK112 Octavia Doktor - fajerman.libor, Kai Hanh
    1 point
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