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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2017 in all areas

  1. Excuse me for late responce, yes the map is going to be custom made, but with stock buildings. I wish everybody who is still around a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! So not to bump a topic with nothing in my hands i got a new rescue unit done: Credits: Itchboy, Bama1234, EmC-Unit.
    2 points
  2. Hello all, I want to announce my new mod that I am working on, the mod is set in the fictional county of Westershire on the east coast of England, this mod contains many units and a custom map, I plan on releasing the mod in the first or second quarters of 2018 if all goes to plan. I have also created a mock council website for the local government, rather than post pictures here at the moment (I will upload them when I get chance) I will post this website: https://westershirecouncil.wixsite.com/home I hope you like the look of the mod and if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
    1 point
  3. Version 1.01


    This is a modification for Emergency 4/911: FR which includes a representation of thecity of New York and all subsequent apparatus and personnel. The modification is designed towork within the original framework of the game while adding new functions and features tomake the game more realistic while preserving the strategy aspect of the original game play.This mod features about 50 new vehicles all of which have some special purpose in mindrequiring you to take the time to think about what it is you’ll need to send to address thesituation at hand. Currently there is a functional but unsupported Multi?player mode, we donot support this feature at this time as we’ve not tested this extensively enough to guaranteethat it is bug-free It does support MP function though. Free-play however, is supported and any bugs pertaining to the free playmode of the game will be looked into for subsequent patches necessary if the bug is a majorissue.MikeyPI: Team leader and 3D modeler for this mod.Hoppah: Team scripter, vehicle coding and bug fixer. (Also the author of the original DodgeCharger modified for this mod’s Dodge Charger)NewFoundKing: Vehicle lighting and map modification.Francis: Some scripting and general assistance.
    1 point
  4. 21,037 downloads

    Euskadi Mod - Basque Country v. 1.0By BorjaXmusic & AxaberA mod about the emergency services of Euskadi
    1 point
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