HAD TO FORMAT MY PC, SO I LOST ALL OF THIS CONTENT, AND WILL NOT REVIVE IT. SORRY BUT NOT REALLY. Hello. So I got bored with having the editor (with LA mod loaded) open idle and playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, when it hit me, why not make a Los Santos submod? So I decided to reskin the models from the LA Mod to replicate the livery of San Andreas, with a bit of my own twist to it. Below you'll see the day and night pictures for all of the units added. If you have any comments, questions, concerns, ideas to better the submod, etc.: post it below. (Note: These units are not just like the vehicles from San Andreas) I do not own any of the models or logos used in this. The models go to Hoppah and the logos go to Rockstar Games LOOKING FOR A VOLUNTEER TO HELP ME CREATE A NEW FREEPLAY MAP [bANNER UNAVAILABLE (REQUIRES GOLD ACCOUNT)] TASK LOG: 18 Dec 2014. Revving up those fryers with this thing again. Made a f[MODSPLS]ky situation with the engines, so I might have to start over again with those. Oh yeah, also gonna get rid of all the non-submod related vehicles (like CHP, LASD, USCG, etc.). Come this Jesus Birthday, I'll be getting a good tower, so my modding capabilities should be a lil bit better (meaning 2004 in HD!). TASK KEY: Concept Stage Will Be included In Progress Completed Being Edited TASK LIST (VEHICLE): LSPD Police Car LSPD Slicktop LSPD Unmarked LSPD Enforcer LSPD Air Unit LSFD Engine LSFD Paramedic Engine LSFD Truck LSFD Rescue Truck LSFD HAZMAT LSX Crashtender LS BLS Ambulance LS ALS Ambulance LSX Ambulance Coroner Van Rescue Doge SA Police Motorcycle SA Police SUV SA Police Command Post Flatbed Towtruck Engineer Van TEC Vehicle Re-lighting TASK LIST (PERSONS): LSPD Patrol Officers (Officer reskin) LSPD Sergeant LSPD Lieutenant LSX Firefighter LS Ambulance Worker LSX Ambulance Worker State Police State Police Motor Officer TASK LIST (MAPS): Freeplay map TASK LIST (MISC): Remove kebab(non-LS units) Secret, but soon to not be so secret, Content LS POLICE: SA POLICE: [screenshots unavailable] LS FIRE: LS AMBULANCE: FAUN: