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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi all! I've been playing Emergency 4 for years now and recently got a few friends into playing it. We have been playing Harbour City and Bieberfelde but are constantly on the hunt for other great mods. If you guys have any suggestions on good mods to play with friends please post their name and a link to them! Mainly looking for mods that have a map unique to them but any suggestions are always welcome. My favourite Mod is the London Mod v1.3 (metropolitan Police) because of the unique map. Unfortunately the map doesn't work online and the map is what I really enjoy about the mod so this is why we are looking for mods like it and ones with unique settings and looks. Thanks guys.
    1 point
  2. New CFD helicopiter! Modelo and texture by Iglheaz
    1 point
  3. I appreciate people's suggestions. For the time being I'll only pick out a limited selection and go with that. All those calls may be different IRL but in Em4, it devolves into the same basic routine of load and go when it comes to injured victims, or using the chase command on escaping suspects. I'll be picking out the ones that actually involve new elements such as search, investigation, an cleanup. Those are the three main things that I'll be placing emphasis on because they're elements of the original Em1 and Em2 games that have been missed in Em4. HAZMAT is also something that can be expanded on as well. Due to the simplsitic nature of Em4's medical system, I can only have a very limited amount of varied calls. There wont be any in depth medical simulation like the RTS Bieberfelde mod because that is way beyond my abilities as a modder. Maybe we can see such a mod someday but Northview: Paramedics has been cancelled unfortunately. I like the idea of having untreatable time senesetive patients though. It seems like the most doable option that people have suggested. When it comes to fires, the town of Monida pass doesnt even have tall buildings to begin with, but I'll see if having functional roof venting would actually help improve the gameplay experience. Interior fires will stay as is because of Em4's fire system being unmoddable. I'm interested in trying to implement Hoppah's search house script to be a requirement in building fires, we'll see how that goes. Most calls in that real life area are actually grass fires, or car accidents. It is claimed in one article by a firefighter that they haven't had a fatal house fire in over 15 years, so crazy calls like those will be put on the lower priority. Policing is something I'd like to expand on, because it seems to be the neglected element of the game along with the TEC units. I place priority on those calls that dont involve arrests, or just require the player to ask around with a few people. More serious events like hostage takings will just be programmed to be the same as default Em4. Regarding the custom callout menu, I had to remove it due to instability issues, as seen in the videos. Until I can figure out a workaround to using the default missionscript 'intercept' functions, I will have to rely on the default dispatcher style menus, and disabling that left side menu entirely.
    1 point
  4. Firstly, I must say that I'm an avid follower of this modification and I am excited to see what this new version brings to the community, as I've been following this since the beginning. Secondly, as a career firefighter/EMT in a rural county I find this modification very full of potential. In my rural county, we are constantly faced with the issues around the lack of resources available and calls sometimes stacking due to the long transport times and vast area that we cover. For whatever my opinion is worth with my limited knowledge of actually programming this type of script, I have a few suggestions for callouts that I've always wanted to see in this game. I've listed callouts by category of fire, ems and police. Fire Smoke investigation Room and contents fire High/low angle rescue Swift water rescue Grass fire Fire alarms (with the potential to be a real fire once investigated) Natural gas leak Fuel leak Overturned HAZMAT trailer Electrical hazards Fire code inspections Structure fire with occupants injured/trapped that require extrication Illegal controlled burn EMS Cardiac arrest (requiring EMTs to preform CPR and 'work the code,' either achieving ROSC or calling OMI with factors affecting the patient's outcome such as BLS/ALS on scene, duration of apnea, etc) Patient refusals (BLS callouts that may not require transportation to definitive care) Time sensitive callouts (regardless of how high you get the red treatment bar, if the patient isn't to the hospital within a set number of minutes after dispatch the outcome becomes negative. Not every patient in the real world can be effectively stabilized in the field. The only true means of life-saving that is available to us to the speed in which a patient can be removed from the scene and transported to definitive care.) ETOH Suicidal ideations (make the player decide if they will transport the patient against their will or not, possibly ending in a law suit that will take away money for resources if the wrong choice is made) Obvious death Police Vandalism Breaking and entering Trespassing Noise complaint Traffic violations Motorist assists Vehicle accidents without injuries Reports (callouts that simply require an officer to make contact and take a report, with no father action) Illegal hunting Drinking in public Behavioral/psych callouts Homeless pan handling DWI/DUI Murder Assault after the fact Stabbing Domestic violence Drug overdose/use Suspicious person/vehicle Welfare check Prostitutes in the area Wanted person Search warrant Endangered/missing child Sniper Peaceful protest Meth lab (fire/ems as well)
    1 point
  5. 677,300 downloads

    Features- More than 50 playable units from Los Angeles- Highly detailed and accurate models- A completely new freeplaymap- 10 new missions- New sirens- Directional lights and floodlights- Fire station, police station and hospital- Automatic weapons and ballistic shields- Police barricades, traffic cones and flares- Bomb robots and motorcycles- Emergency 4 Deluxe and 911:First Responders compatible- Multiplayer compatible- English translation and voices and much more... This content is not authorized for posting on Steam or any other platform, except with prior written authorization.
    1 point
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