Such a thing does exist. In the Winterberg mod, it is on the bottom left part of the screen that shows the statuses of vehicles ingame. Its a very complex process with how they did it, but the drawback is that the function only works on their mod. It works with single player and MP and can also be linked to a third party 'FMS' tool that is used in multiplayer situations. It would take an unreasonable amount of time to port it over to other mods. Other German made mods also have their own version of this dispatch system and some even have radio statuses that function as they would IRL.
Everyone else on the other hand uses a non functioning CAD that has to be manually edited to match entries. Usually it is an MS Excel or Google docs that can be edited every time a dispatch happens. Usually the people using these are clans with 4 people max ingame and a fifth on the VoIP channel doing the dispatching. Such a setup in single
There are no developers willing to do such a major undertaking. There just aren't many programmers in this community who can do it to begin with.