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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2017 in Posts

  1. Small video of Airport scene plane came off runway emergency vehicles responded. models EMC- Miami team, Itchboy, bama1234, Rihis, Itchboy, Robert66, mr matt5432123,Hoppah. this will not be in the mod just a review of light and models.
    3 points
  2. Killerconsti's Minimod 2.1 Features of Version 2.0 & 2.1 US equipment made by William Stableford (flares, road barrels, traffic cones) the possibility to land the SEK Helicopter without roping the crew first dynamic parking sites can be set ingame "Set Startup Parameter - Component" was added, which allow me to put the player's units allready at the map introduction of the placeable equipment better support of open houses- systems (like the one used at the police department at Berlin) an animateded brand new Swat unit (only available in the editor) a System was introduced which allow me to use Siren Sounds (still WIP) 2 new vehicles Layer speedy scaff The Minimod container is a .rar package. It is important to unpack it first. You may have a look at the Installation Instructions to set up this mod in the correct way. The second sheet (flyer) is about the stuff which was added (commands, vehicles, objects) Version 1.0 -1.2: mobile intensive care unit is available in Freeplay patrol cars can redirect traffic and follow gangsters additional engineer in the tech helicoper additional emergency doctor in the ambulance car you can turn units by holding right mouse button and relase it after >0,5 s ->Units will face the cursor Tankers got more equipment and have hose connectors (by Revyn112 http://www.emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?entry/2435-tankl%C3%B6schfahrzeug-equipment-modifikation-em5/) policeman can automaticly equip handcuffs when they hold no equipment TL reworked crane action speed increased get it here: http://www.emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?entry/2514-em5-minimod-3-3-februar-2017/ or https://www.dropbox.com/s/38q6p18wts5ez1l/[em5]killerconstis_minimod_3_3.rar?dl=0
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. After a short hiatus from the project, were back in full force! Here's what's new! Be sure to check out our Trello page @ https://trello.com/b/q9Wi7LJZ/los-angeles-mod-2017-dev There you can find more pictures and see what were currently working on and plan to. It changes pretty much every day with things being added and completed! Since returning we have re-edited the textures for the 2007 Pierce Arrow XT and completed Fire Station 89. Stay tuned for more updates! Trello Page: https://trello.com/b/q9Wi7LJZ/los-angeles-mod-2017-dev
    1 point
  5. Work on the modification stopped as of 2015.
    -1 points
  6. New Creek - Project Because of the less number of modifications for Emergency 5/2016/2017 we, some german modders, decided to release our New Creek - Project in an early alpha-version. We have no objectives for this mod, because we want to develop the new content for you, not for the trash bin. But what is the modification about? New Creek is a fictional city of over a million inhabitants in the USA. Big streets, deep street canyons, high buildings and heavy traffic will determiniert the new map. To manage all the tasks in a vibrant metropolis you can use several units with different specialisations. What can you expect for version 0.0.5: extraction of the new map new streets new buildings city parks realistic watertank detailed american vehicles engine ladder resuce cpc-unit ambulance patrol car multiplayer-mode We try to release every second sunday a new patch with bugfixes and your wishes. So we rely on you and your ideas. You can send us found bugs and wishes for new content in this topic. We will try to implement all of them sooner of later. To see new developments instantly, join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/NCModification/ ambulance signals by DrDrummer and RK-1000; Ford crown by NNico special thanks to KillerConsti for his plugin
    -1 points
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