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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2017 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. We are still alive, but to be honest progress is at dead slow pace. We haven't been able to get things done in a while and right now we are looking at options. If we can't get a working map, then this mod can't really survive without one. The units we have are too big for LA mod, and it would be too much work to rescale everything to make it to work. But right now Goog and myself are committed to finish all of the units and models but after this stage we aren't sure what direction this mod will go.
    2 points
  3. Version 0.0.8


    New Creek is a fictional metropolis in the USA. To manage all the tasks in a vibrant city you can use several units with different specialisations. For the latest information subscribe our facebook-page What can you expect for version 0.0.8 extraction of the new map new streets new buildings city parks realistic watertank detailed american vehicles engine ladder resuce cpc-unit ambulance patrol car multiplayer-mode ambulance signals by DrDrummer and RK-1000; Ford crown by NNico special thanks to KillerConsti for his plugin
    1 point
  4. Quick update - Pirates road - keep an eye out ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgltGoGzyc8 STATUS OF THE SWEDISH MOD Map 50% - vehicles Police units 100% Medical units 100% Fire Service units 70% Technical units 100% - staff Police 100% Medics 100% Fire brigade 70% Technicians 100% - Air vehicles Police 100% Medical 100% - Lights Status 100%
    1 point
  5. No I think it is being done in private check there facebook might have some progress.
    1 point
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Hello and welcome to London Multiplayer Mod 1.0 This mod, created by Mariuswww and BMA takes place in the center of the English capital, London.Here you are given the command of three urban fire stations, two ambulance stations and a police station. The mod features many realistic London Vehicles and fire stations are made as close to the real deal, as we can. In total, this mod allows you to take contol over 32 emergency vehicles and 10 different types of personnel. All vehicles can easily be added to each station with the custom Activate Station script created for the mod. It is also possible to call each vehicle out from the station using the call vehicle command given to each vehicle at the station. The mod also includes three different sirens for each vehicle, limited water, Automatic Fire Alarms, Gated Wye and Parking. And best of all! All this actually works in multiplayer and released!
    1 point
  7. Version 8.5,8.68,8.73


    Meeting some Winterberg mods in version 8
    1 point
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