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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi guys sorry for the delay, i did my best to fix the bridge near the police station and it is slightly better but not perfect, i am really not sure as to what is causing the problem. but here is the patch (install it like a new mod) https://mega.nz/#!YooE3AID!k47Z3dI9lgEstYWXAN5x35XYQBcjk4B33N5lnobQyjU
    3 points
  2. I may be wrong but I believe that some parts of the terrain on maps causes issues with the script. Try to aim for terrain that is a bit flatter - it may help. Very nice update, enjoying it so far.
    1 point
  3. I would not say that is many bugs more like a few or more accurately for most small annoying niggles even than actually bugs personally I think TACRfan has actually done a splendid job and as usual each release gets better and better and better and not once has he given up on this despite some who seem they will never be satisfied or grateful for what they receive free of charge when in fact TACRfan doesn't have to do this or share it he could in fact simply do it privately for himself so I for one would simply like to say thank you and that I am grateful for what you do.
    1 point
  4. The problem some people experience, where they are not able to download the modification, should be fixed now! We have added an alternative download mirror to Mega, on all our popular modifications, so all players experiencing problems with the Danish host, can use the alternative mirror instead. In case your favorite modification doesn't have a mega link yet, let us know and we will make sure to add it. Copenhagen-mod.dk - download section
    1 point
  5. The clear stretcher is caused by alpha reflections, it's either clear stretcher and the medics not be shiny or the other way around, I was trying to fix it but couldn't. Back to station script was never supposed to be added in this patch, you can use the park script to park vehicles in their parking spaces. This is one bug that I forgot to fix, my recommendation is if you get a situation like that put armed officers in the police heli. The amount of false alarm calls is not a bug, that is the way the script works. If you don't want anymore false alarms then just ignore them and no more will spawn, if you deal with them then they will keep spawning.
    1 point
  6. Many bugs with 1.2.5 The Medics with a Stretcher: the stretcher is clear Still no back to station script the campground right behind the airport you can't enter so the person shot and killed 2 people and the police helo couldn't take them away. Way too many fire alarms
    1 point
  7. Version 1.0 official


    - 41 units of the Fire Brigade - 29 Police units - 21 units of Emergency - 8 Technical units - New scripts - Map of PL-Mod v0.99.1 - and other ... Mod install program ModInstaller. Please wait until the installation is complete approximately 4 min
    -1 points
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