Permissions Pending:Coming soon to Emergency 4, is the Queens New York Modification. This mod will have 2 variants, a single-player only version, and a multi and single player version. Each version will have both Fire/EMS Only and Fire/EMS/PD game modes. The reason for the 2 variants is because one of the units in the single-player mod doesn't work well in multi-player games. The Mod will contain 6 FDNY stations that are relatively close to each other. The FDNY stations we are using are the following:-KEY- (*) Denotes Decon. Engine; (**) Denotes SOC Support Ladder; (***) Denotes Chemical Protective Clothing (CPC) Ladder.SINGLE-PLAYER ONLY VERSION:Station 1: Engine 294, Hook & Ladder 143, Foam 294Station 2: Engine 287*, Ladder 136**, SSL 136, Battalion 46Station 3: Engine 285, Tower Ladder 142***, CPC L142 (I have read sources that say TL142 is a CPC ladder, and others that say it is not)Station 4: Engine 324, Satellite 4 (may not have parked in station depends on poll results), Division 14, Car 9 (Queens Borough Fire Command Car)Station 5: Engine 292, Rescue 4Station 6: Squad 288, Haz-Tec Van 288, Hazardous Materials 1, Hazardous Materials Support Unit 1MULTI AND SINGLE PLAYER VERSION:Station 1: Engine 264, Engine 328, Ladder 134Station 2: Engine 287*, Ladder 136**, SSL 136, Battalion 46Station 3: Engine 285, Tower Ladder 142***, CPC L142 (I have read sources that say TL142 is a CPC ladder, and others that say it is not)Station 4: Engine 324, Satellite 4 (may not have parked in station depends on poll results), Division 14, Car 9 (Queens Borough Fire Command Car)Station 5: Engine 292, Rescue 4Station 6: Squad 288, Haz-Tec Van 288, Hazardous Materials 1, Hazardous Materials Support Unit 1
SKINNERS: Connor Brumleve, Modzzguy202MODELERS: Nathan Powell, Jamnj88, LampardFireLIGHTERS: Modzzguy202(modzzguy202 )MAPPERS: Modzzguy202MISC: Modzzguy202, Connor BrumleveThe PRP mod will still be worked on. But this is priority for we have more people working on this mod.Some New Features Include:
-Customized/modified map
-A Seagrave Marauder Tiller Ladder (Like This One; In The Single-Player Only Version)
-Hazmat Calls (Will Be Around The Same Frequency As They Are In Harbor City)
-Foam Unit (Foam unit will just be the Mack Fire Engine from Mayberry once we get permissions, and will just have 2 attack hose connects)
Skinning: 90%
Modeling: 75%
Lighting: 90%
Scripting: 65%
Mapping: 25%
As you can see we are making major progress with this mod. I, Connor, have done as much of this mod as I can possibly do (per my skills and skill level) at the moment. I will therefore be beginning work on the Casey County Modification.