Hi I'm Oscar one of the creators of Barcelona City Mod This mod is about the city of Barcelona (Spain),which will take: POLICE: Guardia Urbana Barcelona,Mossos d´Esquadra, Civil Guard,National Police,Port Police. FIRE: Bombers de Barcelona. AMBULANCES: TSC Ambulance, Ambulance Domingo Basic Life Support,Ambulance Domingo Advanced Life Support,V.A.M.(Vehicle Medical Care) Red Cross,Ambulances Red Cross,Ambulances Sem))))061,Ambulance La Pau. TECHNICAL:BCNtrànsit,Racc,Funeral services Barcelona. OTHER VEHICLES:TMB Buses,Taxicab Barcelona. Creators: -Oscar -Sony6969 -CultziBolzi This is what we are searching for: Scripters Modellers Skinners Mappers (Yes we are hoping that we can make a new map) Ideas And off course: Support from the community... I hope some people can help me make the mod If you are interested in joining, please contact by private message. P.D: Sorry for my English