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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2016 in all areas

  1. Version v1.3


    This is the latest version of the London Modification which includes a new edited freeplay map with various UK buildings and civil traffic along with updated units & personnel from the capital’s main emergency response services: The Metropolitan Police, London Ambulance Service & London Fire Brigade. Version 1.3 also includes new units from the City of London Police, British Transport Police & London’s Air Ambulance. Updates, information and any news about future versions of the mod can be found on the London Mod forum page: http://www.emergency-planet.com/topic/7861-london-mod-in-progress/#comment-98073
    2 points
  2. It solves the problem, but a concern I forsee is that you might have units passing the same road but heading in opposite directions as seen in 1:37, and they end up using the same path and getting stuck, causing a massive cluster of them trying to find alternative paths. Not shooting your idea down because it works with having multiple units in the same direction and looks clean, but it might not work out having them face opposing directions. Its also weird having them drive center lanes despite heading back to station with no code. A year or so ago, I tried fixing the solution using a different, more invasive method. Didnt work out either. The best way to solve traffic issues and facilitate free flowing units is by vastly reducing the number of moving traffic NPC cars on the map at any given time.
    1 point
  3. Fire Department Vehicles almost done(they are in game), they just need skins completed. BCFD Engine 29 BCFD Engine 52 BCFD Light Rescue BCFD Medic 17 BCFD Rescue 1 ****** Unable to Upload Screenshots******* Received this message : There was a problem processing the uploaded file. Please contact us for assistance.
    1 point
  4. FRS Langenselbold - A town virtual! Our Vision is to realise the little Town Langenselbold in Germany into Emergency4. Planed Features: - 10 new Missioncards in a MapChange System - 13 full usable Fire Brigade Cars - Autimated Police and Ambulance - many new Units - new exciting Missions with Special Effects - many new Scripts Be Fan of us on Facebook! FRS Langenselbold - Eine Stadt ganz virtuell! Unser Ziel ist es, Langenselbold und seine Umgebung so real wie möglich in Emergency 4 zu bauen! Folgende Features sind hierfür geplant: - 10 neue Einsatzkarten (entspricht ca. 50 Einsätzen) in einem MapChange System - 13 voll steuerbare Feuerwehrfahrzeuge der Feuerwehr Langenselbold - Vollautomatisierte Polizei und teilautomatisierter Rettungsdienst - viele überörtliche und kreisweite Einheiten - neue spannende Einsätze mit Special Effects - viele teils neue, teils alte bekannte Scripts wie Wasserversorgung, Innenangriff, erweiterte Alarmierung, etc. Werdet Fan unserer Feuer- und Rettungssimulation auf Facebook! Screenshots Here you find few Screenshots of our Project. Hier findet ihr einige wenige Screenshots zu unseren Arbeiten! ELW der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Langenselbold Autoren (EM4 Forum): ERS, mibblitz, Flo. Sauerland, Stingray, FireHunter, MaltaBerlin, Florian B., Patrick LF 20/16 der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Langenselbold Autoren (EM4 Forum): Florian Hagen, ERS, Waegi, Pioneer, Florian B., Mibblitz, Chidea, Lukas911, Heros Leer GW-Licht der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Langenselbold Autoren (EM4 Forum): David, Lars112, Pioneer, Patrick, Mibblitz Rettungswagen/Mehrzweckfahrzeug des DRK Langenselbold - Regelrettungsdienst Autoren (EM4 Forum): Florian Hagen, mibblitz, Chidea, Kassi89, Engine Co. 7, FireHunter, ERS, NNico, MaltaBerlin Rettungswagen/Mehrzweckfahrzeug des DRK Langenselbold -Sanitätsdienste/Rettungsdiensthintergrund Autoren (EM4 Forum): ERS, Kai Hahn, Chidea, mibblitz, MaltaBerlin, Fabi S. und Feuerfreak TLF 20/25 der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Erlensee Autoren (EM4 Forum): FlorianMark93, kasseläner, Heros Leer, Pioneer, AlusFire3, Lukas911, Patrick LF-KatS der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Maintal Hochstadt Autoren (EM4 Forum): Waegi, Leistelle Nord Ost, Flo. Heinsberg, mibblitz, TimmeyX, skaihof, Lukas911, Patrick, MaltaBerlin, Flo. Wesermarsch, xaviberlin
    1 point
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