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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2016 in all areas

  1. UPDATE: I'm no longer the main author of this mod, squad 65 is. they will give you the main updates. Hello everyone! I'm a newer modder here on emergency planet, but I hope to bring in some good mods and concepts over time. Today I am introducing the Edgewater modification, using the LA mod and +units submod as a base, I have continued to make small tweaks to it and over time it has moved the scene from the large city of LA, to small village of Edgewater. Edgewater is a small town with a population of about 8,000 residents, however, due to it having a large beach off the pacific and is a commendable place to go on vacation, the city also has about 1,000+ tourists too. the city's fire department is about 90% volunteer. The time zone is about 2009-ish the mod contains a new map based on the oil rig map from the campaign which is half water so I also revamped the coast guard and yes, there will be many more incidents involving swift water rescues, including boating incidents, boats on fire, person in distress in water, person caught in rip current, and a plane that makes an emergency landing in the water. I hope also to make some new missions that involve water rescues and the coast guard. Here are some pics in the editor. Here's the team: Squad 65- main author mrmatt5432123- Reserve author Mack body and cab by RD_Saarland http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2016_04/Capture.PNG.566ae773d674eb319a548c6c32e841c5.PNG http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2016_04/Capture1.PNG.2b7c3537b193ece4581804f8ac5745b2.PNG http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2016_04/Capture2.thumb.PNG.e3472b02e9d7fbe02b915bec624d975c.PNG http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2016_04/Capture3.PNG.c6e53a5f61092cee073086cbdad3b4fd.PNG http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2016_04/Capture4.PNG.2f9fbe23a7150383b950a2effb90b282.PNG
    1 point
  2. You do not know how hyped I am.
    1 point
  3. Flnn Rescue has said he is 'done' with this mod and no longer wishes to continue development on it. Be sure contact him if you have intentions of taking over development or using any of his content in your projects. Speak to him as well regarding any submods and releases. Please honor his wishes as well that people respect his content and what he put out for the community.
    1 point
  4. As a volunteer firefighter at a department about the size of the one featured in game,I have a few ideas that would make the mod more "volunteer-like". My ideas are as follows: Allow firefighters to proceed to the scene in plain clothes without going to the station. When playing Montana, I run the FD to all medical calls and it is sometimes inconvenient for the personnel to have to report to the station and gear up before responding. Have volunteers that are able to heal/stabilize patients before the arrival of an ambulance. With this said, have a vehicle at the fire station that responds to medical and rescue calls. This vehicle would ideally have medical bags, backboards, and other tools on board. This would be a first responder vehicle, and wouldn't be used to transport patients. Have more than one backboard available in the apparatus. We carry three in our squad and I believe most ambulances carry two or three. This would be a hard one, but reskin some apparatus as "mutual aid" companies that can be called from more than just one surrounding agency. I have my own response protocols (which I will attach) and I can only go up to a second alarm since available companies are limited. Add more volunteers to the Monida Pass roster. A lot of small towns similar to Monida Pass have personnel that respond in their own vehicles since seating in trucks is limited. Add functionality so that mutual aid companies can back into the Monida Pass station. When large incidents occur, it is wise to have mutual aid companies stand by at the station to cover other emergency calls. These are in no order of importance to me, but I think that they would make great additions to the mod. Montana - Emergency Response Protocols.txt
    1 point
  5. In all fairness, they made it very clear in the first place that the mod has bugs and is still in development / work in progress, it's still honestly a very playable and great modification, I average 2 hours a day, with very minimal issues. Even though it wasn't in the bug list, it should be expected, plus it was stated previously in the topic if I remember correctly.
    1 point
  6. UGH while I'm super grateful for the work put in by the modders, I'm super annoyed that the download link was removed. :/ It was buggy but it wasn't so buggy that it warranted the removal. Only issues I had was with traffic getting stuck. If someone has v 2.1 can they message me? Pwweeasssseee
    1 point
  7. Just a progress update. I've been busy with real world crap. just like most of us here, however I'm trying to get back into developing this mod. I've just finished the EMS station/Business Offices on the main map: Today I got back into finishing a hospital model that I started working on quite a while ago. I've managed to clean it up and am almost finished modeling an enterable ER! I really do want to get this mod done, and there is still A LOT of work to do. I'm usually very wary about allowing others into my projects since I'm such a stickler for quality, however, I feel that at the rate I'm going, I'll be done sometime by the year 2025 (*sarcasm, but seriously ). So, for the sake of actually making timely progress, I am opening this project up to anyone who might be interested in joining the team which currently consists of myself and one other person. If you are at all interested in helping, please send me a PM and we can talk about it. Thanks for the continued support guys despite the painfully slow progress! Even when I do find time to work on this, the progress is painfully slow, especially since this is a "from scratch" mod. As an example, I've clocked about a solid 6-7 hours on that hospital thus far.
    1 point
  8. 677,295 downloads

    Features- More than 50 playable units from Los Angeles- Highly detailed and accurate models- A completely new freeplaymap- 10 new missions- New sirens- Directional lights and floodlights- Fire station, police station and hospital- Automatic weapons and ballistic shields- Police barricades, traffic cones and flares- Bomb robots and motorcycles- Emergency 4 Deluxe and 911:First Responders compatible- Multiplayer compatible- English translation and voices and much more... This content is not authorized for posting on Steam or any other platform, except with prior written authorization.
    1 point
  9. Version 0.6


    The United States Army Mod is a modification for Emergency 4 and based on the presence of the US military in a Middle-Eastern region. The mod features an entirely new map, several army and local (middle-eastern) emergency units, new events, unique units, a development tree and much much more. You can expect a total overhaul of the original game and fun and addictive gameplay! Important installation/play notes: 1. Remove any older US Army Mod installations (such as versions 0.4b and 0.5) 2. Download and extract the .zip package 3. Install the .e4mod file 4. Launch the game and load the US Army mod 5. Use the mission-menu and select 'Play United States Army Mod' to launch a new game The US Army mod is not freeplay nor multiplayer compatible! Don't forget to check out the US Army Mod Subforum for the latest news and discussions about this modification.
    1 point
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