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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2016 in all areas

  1. That looks nice, is that a rescue vehicle aswell?
    1 point
  2. Jesus, this fire got slightly out of control. Did you simulate the Alberta wildfires?
    1 point
  3. I have noooooo idea about the brush fire, I have never seen or heard of that glitch. I am actually pretty impressed that that happened! If it happens again or anyone else has that happen then I believe there may be a problem. Honestly I don't know what would have caused that but I can try to see if I can figure it out. Glad to hear all the positive feed back, and it's good to know you all are enjoying the mod. I am working on a small patch to fix a few important issues, as well as my friend is working on a program to make playing harbor city a much more enjoyable, and customizable experience
    1 point
  4. Version 1.01


    This is a modification for Emergency 4/911: FR which includes a representation of thecity of New York and all subsequent apparatus and personnel. The modification is designed towork within the original framework of the game while adding new functions and features tomake the game more realistic while preserving the strategy aspect of the original game play.This mod features about 50 new vehicles all of which have some special purpose in mindrequiring you to take the time to think about what it is you’ll need to send to address thesituation at hand. Currently there is a functional but unsupported Multi?player mode, we donot support this feature at this time as we’ve not tested this extensively enough to guaranteethat it is bug-free It does support MP function though. Free-play however, is supported and any bugs pertaining to the free playmode of the game will be looked into for subsequent patches necessary if the bug is a majorissue.MikeyPI: Team leader and 3D modeler for this mod.Hoppah: Team scripter, vehicle coding and bug fixer. (Also the author of the original DodgeCharger modified for this mod’s Dodge Charger)NewFoundKing: Vehicle lighting and map modification.Francis: Some scripting and general assistance.
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0


    The First release of Helping Peter In the mod you get the chance to play as a Danish First Responder trying to save injured peoples lives untill ambulances arrive. The mod will most cartainly put your first aid knowledge to the test!
    1 point
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