I have also been following this but I am on itchboy's side. Many of you don't know why he cancelled it, many do, but imagine you make something for the forum and give permission so someone can use it. You download the game, next thing you know, your work of art wasn't credited. This is an example of 1 out of many things that happened to itchboy. This is was something that he didn't like, so he said " From now on no one can use". Yes people got mad at him, yes they said mean things to him, and yes he didn't care. When i made an account here, it was as if you were in heaven. People didn't cuss, weren't mad, and gave permission to use their content with credits. Now it feels like a war zone. I beg you to please be nice to each other. Remember these words that Audrey Hepburn said "Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" and now I say this " Make it a great day or not, the choice is your's". The moderators had enough of this childness. " I want this, I want to use it, and give me that, or you are the worst person. It doesn't matter if authors say you can't use their work of art because they're are other ways of overcoming those obstacles. You may think that I am wrong and I might be but enough is enough. I have respect for everyone even if I don't know them but as soon as you do something bad toward me and other, ohhhhh what you have gotten yourself into! May your day be full of light and happiness. -Corsair