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Intersection Mission Map 1.0

1 Screenshot

About This File

This map features an intersection area

Size: mission map (2560x2560)


- intersection area with space for an electric tram in the middle

- spaces for houses and/or commercial buildings

The file "mapname.zip" contains a zipped *.PNG file

The file "mapnamejpeg.zip" contains a zipped *.JPEG file

When unpacking the *mapnamejpeg.zip files the archive might contain a folder called "_MACOSX". You can simply ignore or delete it! All you need is the map texture called "mapname.png" / "mapnamejpeg.jpeg" !

legal notice

you are allowed to change, share and download the map texture. parts of the map might be copy and used for your own projects, as long as the author "rettungstier" is mentioned under screenshots or gameplay presentations. use for Emergency 4 (deluxe) only!

map parts used from:

- Emergency 4 standard maps

- cgtextures.com

- rettungstier

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