5 files
NL Modification 2.0 fixer
By Killerconsti
This package contains the fixing files to play the NL Modification 2.0
It contains also an update to the eventpool to make the new events playable (which were introduced with EM Patch 2.02)
find the folder of your NL Modifiction v2.0 extract the archive at this direction delete or rename asset_package.bin from dutch_modification\content Enjoy
KillerConstis Minimod
By Killerconsti
The Description is not up to date, because there is barely any interested person. However here is the fully translated Version 2.6.1 (not anymore compatible with the NL mod)
Killerconsti's Minimod 2.6.1
Features of Version 2.2
english translation manual connecting and disconnecting of hoses CrownVic has been hidden in Berlin RV and Tanker have a 4 man crew events can be aborted if the HQ is selected
Features of Version 2.0 & 2.1
US equipment made by William Stableford (flares, road barrels, pylonen) the possibility to land the SEK Helicopter without roping the crew first dynamic parking sites can be set ingame "Set Startup Parameter - Component" was added, which allow me to put the player's units allready at the map introduction of the placeable equipment better support of open houses- systems (like the one used at the police department at Berlin) an animateded brand new Swat unit (only available in the editor) a System was introduced which allow me to use Siren Sounds (still WIP) 2 new vehicles Layer speedy scaff [infobox]The Minimod container is a .rar package. It is important to unpack it first. You may have a look at the Installation Instructions to set up this mod in the correct way. The second sheet (flyer) is about the stuff which was added (commands, vehicles, objects)[/infobox]
Version 1.0 -1.2:
mobile intensive care unit is available in Freeplay patrol cars can redirect traffic and follow gangsters additional engineer in the tech helicoper additional emergency doctor in the ambulance car you can turn units by holding right mouse button and relase it after >0,5 s ->Units will face the cursor Tankers got more equipment and have hose connectors (by Revyn112 http://www.emergency-forum.de/filebase/index.php?entry/2435-tankl%C3%B6schfahrzeug-equipment-modifikation-em5/) policeman can automaticly equip handcuffs when they hold no equipment
A big thank you to all supporters:
William_Stableford (Lighting of the SW4, US - equipment models, translation, crownvic model)
3d Models:
DAF CF: Tecprofi (hydraulic platform) Goya (cabin) skaihof (wheels) Crew vehicle VW T5 for the Firefighters ModCha Thyssen TM170 Sonderwagen 4: Polygonfabrik Verteiler Slilent Hunter DLK Essen RD_Saarland voice actor (german):
Lt.Dabama Other helpers:
Dartlak & Grisu83 (great plugin, a lot of my work made use of it) Revyn112 (Improvement mod for the tanker) HST_Tutorials (improved the Street Navigation at the Police Department Michaelp800 (supplied siren sounds for the emergency vehicles)1,654 downloads
By Ben12
This mod is no longer supported.
I really wanted to get the first release out to the public to make sure they understood that modding EM5 is not over. This mod includes many things; simple but new. More doctors, more prisoner spots, stuff... it is more detailed in the Readme. This mod may be primitive, but this is just the start of a new beginning for EM5 modding. I suggest using this with Dartlak's GUI shenanigans mod which can be found here:
Thank you for downloading this 50 times! Not that it's a big deal, but still, it's more than my last record (Which was 0 downloads on a file that didn't exist :P)
(Picture from Youtube, because I felt like I needed a picture. I'll get screenshots when I can manage to find out how to take one on Windows 10)
NL Modification v2.0
By FrozenOne-94
Version 2.0 resurrected edition adds the following content (change log):
Tow truck relocated to police department
Dutch police skin for tow truck represented by new avatars in-game
NEW Dutch police helicopter [changed model and skin] represented by new avatars in-game
Police officers are now 10% more resistant to bullet impact
Police patrol car now uses left backdoor [animated] as equipment door for fire extinguisher [trunk wasn’t an option]
Police patrol car can now transport two criminals at once
Altered police barrier tape texture
Added length to police barrier tape [maximum of 45 meters]
Updated police sirens *
Added ‘star of life’ emblem to outfits of doctor and paramedics
Doctor vehicle can now transport two doctors at once [still able to arrive with only one doctor]
New avatar for medic case equipment
Added fire hose to inventory of Water Tender
Added fire extinguisher to inventory of Water Tender
Water Tender’s equipment doors are now using opening animations
Dutch firefighter’s skin
Dutch HazMat [decontamination] truck represented by new avatars in-game
Dynamic variation between vehicle [RW] and world hydrants [vehicle hydrants will be used much more]
RW [Heavy Rescue Vehicle] can now transport up to four firefighters at once
Water Tender now comes with 4 working vehicle hydrants *
Water Tender can now transport up to four firefighters at once
Dutch skin for Fireboat
Dutch Recovery helicopter [G-JSAR helicopter skin]
NEW avatars for emergency personnel
NEW mini icons for emergency personnel
NEW group avatar
Altered textures of various world objects [traffic signs, bus stops, subway etc.]
Updated department logo’s [much smoother now]
Police update
Ambulance update
Firefighters update
Tech Update
General update
* The updated police siren is a test. Feedback is welcome!
* When a firefighter connects a hose to one of the Water Tender’s hydrants the Water Tender can no longer move or use it’s cannon until the hose has been disconnected again. I’m looking into this problem and will try to fix this.
Version 2.0 additionally consists out of the following:
Dutch police support van represented by new avatars in-game
Dutch EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) van represented by new avatars in-game
Police patrol car equipped with fire extinguisher usable by police officers
Dutch police patrol car represented by new avatars in-game
Dutch police officers
Dutch police siren which will constantly play while driving
Search and Rescue vehicle replaced to police department
Dutch police skin for Search and Rescue vehicle represented by new avatars in-game
Dutch police skin for rescue dog handler
Dutch police skin for rescue dog
Police officers are now able to run a little bit faster
Police officers are now able to equip and use handguns
Dutch emergency doctor car represented by new avatars in-game
Dutch emergency doctor outfit
Dutch ambulance represented by new avatars in-game
Dutch paramedic outfit
Dutch ambulance siren which will constantly play while driving
Added doctor to ambulance
Dutch air ambulance represented by new avatars in-game
Dutch Water tender represented by new avatars in-game
Firefighter’s siren will now constantly play while driving
Dutch ladder truck represented by new avatars in-game
Dutch Heavy Rescue Vehicle represented by new avatars in-game
Removed sirens for all technical units [using empty siren-file]
Provided most NPC cars with Dutch license plates
Police update
Ambulance update
Firefighters update
Tech update
General update
Unlimited Units Mod
By ItsLeandro
The modification "Unlimited Units Mod" allows you to get unlimited units in Emergency 5.
For more in depth information and an installation guide, please visit: http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/19896-unlimited-units-mod/
Thank you for considering using Unlimited Units Mod.