3D Models
175 files
2023 Seagrave Marauder 100' Force Aerial
By disciple
Seagrave Marauder 100' Force Aerial developer model by Disciple & Itchboy
Model is based off of the Dunkirk (MD) Seagrave Marauder 100' Force Aerial
Credit must be given for use of these assets.
Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from these models.
Converting any of these assets to other games outside of the Emergency games is prohibited.
Reuploading this file to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.
I am aware the model has no lighting packages aside from the headlights & some DOT lights. Yes, this is intentional. It is the responsibility of the mod developer/asset editor to place lighting on this vehicle. This aerial is fully animated.
2023 Seagrave Attacker 6x4 Walk-In Rescue
By disciple
Seagrave Attacker Walk-In Rescue developer model by Disciple & Itchboy
Model is based off of the Arundel (MD) Seagrave Attacker Rescue Squad
Credit must be given for use of these assets.
Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from these models.
Converting any of these assets to other games outside of the Emergency games is prohibited.
Reuploading this file to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.
I am aware the model has no lighting packages aside from the headlights & some DOT lights. Yes, this is intentional. It is the responsibility of the mod developer/asset editor to place lighting on this vehicle.
2024 Seagrave Capitol Custom Pumper
By disciple
Seagrave Capitol Custom Pumper developer model by Disciple & Itchboy
Model is based off of the Baltimore City (MD) Seagrave Capitol Pumpers
Credit must be given for use of these assets.
Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from these models.
Converting any of these assets to other games outside of the Emergency games is prohibited.
Reuploading this file to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.
I am aware the model has no lighting packages aside from the headlights & some DOT lights, as well as no hose. Yes, this is intentional. It is the responsibility of the mod developer/asset editor to place lighting and hose on this vehicle.
Halloween 2024 Vehicle Set
By itchboy
Models by itchyboy and various authors. Special thanks to MrMook, Thunderbird and others for assistance with research.
Engine 33 model and textures by ColumnDisciple.
Credit must be given for use of these assets.
Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from these models.
Converting any of these assets to other games outside of the Emergency games is prohibited.
.pdn template included.
Reuploading this file to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.
Aerodynic 24SHSP
By Firequi
The Aerodynic 24SHSP, the lightbar produced by Federal Signal for the Dutch Police. This lightbar was used by Dutch forces during the 80s and 90s. Included in the download are off course the model. the lightmaps for the stop sign and the authantical siren. The lightbar is scaled to person size.
De Aerodynic 24SHSP, de lichtbalk geproduceerd door Federal Signal voor de Nederlandse politie. Deze lichtbalk werd veel gebruikt tijdens de 80er en 90er jaren. In deze download vind je natuurlijk het model maar ook de lightmaps voor de stopborden en de authentieke sirene. Deze balk is op personenformaat gescaled.
Der Aerodynic 24SHSP, ein Lichtbalken erstellt von Federal Signals für die niederländische Polizei. War weitverbreitet in den 1980er und 1990er. Beinhaltet sind natürlich das Model, Lightmaps für das Stopschild und das Originale Sondersignal. Er ist auf Personengröße skaliert.
Whelen 8000
By itchboy
This was Whelen's second lightbar. The lessons learned from this product helped them create the very successful Edge series of lightbars, and paved the way for their success in the present-day
Model by itchyboy.
Credit must be given for use of this content.
Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from this model.
Converting this model to other games besides the Emergency games is prohibited.
Reuploading this file to other sites besides emergency-planet.com em-hub.de is prohibited.
Residential building
By Firequi
Residential building that can be found in Dutch towns and cities.
Halloween 2023 Vehicle Set
By itchboy
Happy Halloween!
Models by itchyboy and various authors.
Firebird Trans Am textures and parts by Thunderbird.
Pizza Planet truck parts by LazyBot
Springfield PD units by Pottyscotty.
Code3 XL lightbar modified using LA Mod MX7000 by Hoppah. Aerodynic lightbars by EmC Unit and rihis.
Credit must be given for use of these assets.
Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from these models.
Converting any of these assets to other games outside of the Emergency games is prohibited.
.pdn template included.
Reuploading this file to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.
Litter but cool. Está genial si quieres hacer un mapa en un mod, le da un toque realista. No es nada muy complejo pero está bonita.
Puedes ver la basura comparadas con las que hay default.
Quiosco de la música.
Modelo 3D. Ubicado en el centro del Parque San Telmo, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Es de los primeros modelos que hace el equipo, no sean muy duros. Pueden usarlo libremente en cualquier mod. Deben hacer el "prototype" con el editor del EM4. Pueden cambiar la textura si ven que es demasiado oscura.
Mini Pumper Body
Pierce Mini Pumper Body
This Model May Be Used With Proper Credit Given In The Credits List
This Model Is Not To Be Sold
This Model Is Not To Be Published On Any Website Except For Emergency-Planet.com
Pierce Arrow XT Pack
Pierce Arrow XT Pack
Model - THVFD
Texture - THVFD
This Model May Be Used With Proper Credit Given In The Credits List
This Model Is Not To Be Sold
This Model Is Not To Be Published On Any Website Except For Emergency-Planet.com
Pierce Arrow XT Rescue Engine
Pierce Arrow XT Rescue Engine
Model - THVFD
Texture - THVFD
This Model May Be Used With Proper Credit Given In The Credits List
This Model Is Not To Be Sold
This Model Is Not To Be Published On Any Website Except For Emergency-Planet.com
Pierce Ascendant Ladder Body
Pierce Ascendent Ladder Body
Model - THVFD
Texture - THVFD
This Model May Be Used With Proper Credit Given In The Credits List
This Model Is Not To Be Sold
This Model Is Not To Be Published On Any Website Except For Emergency-Planet.com
Five Bay Brick Fire House
This Is a Five Bay Brick Fire House, Four Bays Off Of One Side and a Single Bay Off The Other Side.
Model - THVFD
Texture - THVFD
This Model May Be Used With Proper Credit Given In The Credits List
This Model Is Not To Be Sold
This Model Is Not To Be Published On Any Website Except For Emergency-Planet.com
Halloween 2022 Vehicle Set
By itchboy
Happy Halloween!
This is a yearly released set of models that are based on pop culture references to movies, television series or videogames.
The following are included for this years' set:
Ford Explorer from Jurrasic Park Dodge Van from Home Alone Ford Taurus from Robocop Chevrolet Blazer and Dodge Diplomat from Stranger Things Pontiac LeMans Enforcer from Smokey and The Bandit Models by itchyboy, Pottyscotty and various authors.
Textures on Jurrasic Park Explorer and both Hawkins Police Units are made by Pottyscotty.
Credit to the LA Mod Team (Hoppah, MikeyPI, Newfoundking et al.) for the MX7000 lightbars.
Credit must be given for use of these assets.
Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from these models.
Converting any of these assets to other games outside of the Emergency games is prohibited.
.pdn template included.
Reuploading this file to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.
Whelen Centurion Lightbar Pack (Multiple Lengths)
The Whelen Centurion was one of the brightest rotator lightbars to enter the market, and it is now available for use in mods for Emergency 4/911 First Responders!
Credits go to Itchboy for original 52" model, and ThinBlueLineKY4 for edits to that model, research into the lengths of the short and long center domes, and editing into all other lengths using that research data to edit the model and make realistic models of the various lengths of the Whelen Centurion lightbar accurate to which domes are used in each model.
For public use, but must credit Itchboy and ThinBlueLineKY4 in the mod readme.
Whelen Centurion models in this pack:
22" Mini
48" (for sedans & some SUVs)
52" (for some SUVs, trucks, and small fire trucks)
60" (for medium fire trucks)
72" (for large fire trucks)
Dome colors included in this pack are red, white, and blue (in the texture files for 48-60" models) and amber (in its own separate texture file). Simple editing of texture by erasing previous color and copying and pasting the color you want (without overlapping since dome texture is transparent) can be done to change the color of the lightbar!
Dutch Traffic Lights/Nederlandse verkeerslichten/Niederländische Ampeln
By Firequi
A Dutch Traffic Light set, already lighted. To use these models in your Mod, you only need to copy the folders into your own mod folder. Important: It is required to also copy the Textures folder because this folder contains lightmaps that are used by the models.
Een Nederlandse verkeerslichten set, al voorzien van lights. Om deze in je mod te plaatsen is het voldoende om de mappen uit de set in je mod te plaatsen. Belangrijk: De textures map moet ook meegenomen worden omdat daar gebruikte Lightmaps in zitten.
A Dutch Traffic Light set, already lighted. To use these models in your Mod, you only need to copy the folders into your own mod folder. Important: It is required to also copy the Textures folder because this folder contains lightmaps that are used by the models.
Read me:
- To use these models in your mod, a listing would be enjoyable, but it is not required.
- These models may only be used for the Emergency game series.
- It is not allowed to use these models for monetizing purposes.
- 3D model changes are allowed, the changed models need be released to the public however
- Voor gebruik in je mod is een Readme vermelding leuk, maar niet verplicht
- De modellen mogen alleen gebruikt worden voor de Emergency spelreeks
- De modellen mogen niet voor commerciële doeleinden gebruikt worden
- 3D veranderingen mag je doen, deze moeten wel voor de community beschikbaar gesteld worden
- Für Benützung in deiner Mod freu ich mich über einen Eintrag, ist aber keine Pflicht
- Die Modelle dürfen nur für die Emergency Spielreihe benutzt werden.
- Die Modelle dürfen nicht für Kommerzielle Zwecken verwendet werden
- 3D Änderungen sind erlaubt, müssen aber die Community zur Verfügung gestellt werden
Halloween 2021 Vehicle Set
By itchboy
Happy Halloween!
This is a yearly released set of models that are based on pop culture references to movies, television series or videogames.
The following are included for this years' set:
"Blusemobile" - 1974 Dodge Monaco "Ecto 1" - 1959 Cadillac Meteor-Miller Hearse "Engine 17" - 1990 Ward LaFrance Ranger, Chicago Fire Department 1981 Delorean DMC12 Models by itchyboy.
Textures on Engine 17 by stockboy8; Federal Signal Mini Aerodynic set by EmC-Unit and rihis.
Credit must be given for use of these assets.
Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from these models.
Converting any of these assets to other games outside of the Emergency games is prohibited.
.pdn templates included for ease of retexturing.
Reuploading this file to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.
1998-2011 Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor
By itchboy
Model by itchyboy.
Front part of model traced using CVPI model from LA mod by Lash00t0ut & nfspdf.
Credit must be given for use of this content.
Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from this model.
Converting this model to other games besides the Emergency games is prohibited.
Cities Skylines, Roblox and Farming Simulator mod makers are specifically prohibited from using this content.
.pdn template included.
Reuploading this file to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.
Pierce Saber Hero
By Phantom
-Contact logivalleymod@gmail.com, Phantom#2786 (discord)
-Pierce Saber Hero, licensed for all Emergency 4 Modifications (so long as credit is provided)
-*Not licensed to have monetary gain (you may *NOT* profit off of my work.)
-*Not to be individually re-uploaded (Do not upload only my work. To have permission,
it must be uploaded with your own modification.)
-*I reserve the right to revoke your permission to my assets.
-Feel free to contact me with any concerns you may have. Thanks for taking the time to
view the Read Me!
Rear - Phantom
Cab - Pierce Arrow XT by Itchyboy converted to a Pierce Saber Hero by Phantom
Whelen 900 & 700 by Itchyboy
Federal Signal Navigator by Yankee43
-known issues
*the Federal q is... less than adequately textured. i haven't made my way to my local fd to get photos so
if you make it look nice feel free to send it and i'll replace the current one and credit you for doing so.
*One .psd is missing because i forgot to save it when using it.
release 1.0.0
Ferrari 458 Italia
By Chen
This is an italian sports car made by Ferrari, suitable for all kinds of modifications.
Original model by Starkiller 6x, the 3D-Model has been optimized skinned by me.
I will upload this file to the German speaking community too.
Free to use in any modifications, but credits must be given for use of this content.
Commercial use is is prohibited!
Converting this model to other Emergency-Series games is allowed, convert to other games please ask for permission from the original author.
Mars Skybolt Lightbar
By itchboy
Best known as the lightbars used by Chicago PD for a long time, and also featured in the Blues Brothers.
Model by itchyboy.
Credit must be given for use of this content.
Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from this model.
Converting this model to other games besides the Emergency games is prohibited.
Reuploading this file to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.
Federal Signal Visibar and Beacon Set
By itchboy
Here are some vintage Federal Signal beacons and the "first lightbar ever", the Visibar.
All models made by me.
Credit must be given for use of this content.
Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from these models.
Converting this model to other games besides the Emergency games is prohibited.
Reuploading this file to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.
Code3 SD Lightbar
By itchboy
It looks like a Twinsonic but it isn't one. This is the Code3 SD, Code3's response to the Twinsonic. They added another pair of double rotators for double the light output, and included in color filters on their lenses to maximize the color features on the bar.
Model by itchyboy.
Credit must be given for use of this content.
Not for commercial use! You are not allowed to make money from this model.
Converting this model to other games besides the Emergency games is prohibited.
.pdn template included.
Reuploading this file to other sites besides emergency-planet.com and emergency-forum.de is prohibited.