Big Mods
37 files
Ukraine-Rescue mod 1.2
By EmC-Unit
New Ukraine-Rescue mod 1.2 is released!-About 50 real units from Ukraine!-New real bluelights(elina,agent,etc)-Real sirens sound-New scripts-Full designsWe have a NEW Webisite!: If policeman don't want to go back intoo a car - Up and down a pistolP.S.2: Doctors can't heal without Em Case (get it in any ambulances)P.S.3: Not recommended to play on missions
London Mod
By mintcake69
This is the latest version of the London Modification which includes a new edited freeplay map with various UK buildings and civil traffic along with updated units & personnel from the capital’s main emergency response services: The Metropolitan Police, London Ambulance Service & London Fire Brigade. Version 1.3 also includes new units from the City of London Police, British Transport Police & London’s Air Ambulance.
Updates, information and any news about future versions of the mod can be found on the London Mod forum page:
São Paulo Mod
By Rafael
São Paulo Modification------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ version: Beta v1.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ produced by: Emergency-Brasil Modding Team - Rafael (Rafael) - Luisinho (Luis) - Fabio101 (Fabio) - rockerboy (Juliano) - Rafael cinder (Rafael) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ credits: - Hoppah (Scripts: Warning Lights, Flashing Lights, Sirens, etc...) - Newfoundking (Light editing) - Conror (Light editing) - Woltep (Armed Arrest Script) - Chidea (Models) - Manzebar (Models) - Cyrus (Sound Sirens) If by any chances you have contibuted in the making of this mod somehow, and I forgot to include your name in the list above. Please let us know by contacting us on the email displayed below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ contact: If you wish to contact us regarding this mod, please don't hesistate to do so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York City Modification
By MikeyPI
This is a modification for Emergency 4/911: FR which includes a representation of thecity of New York and all subsequent apparatus and personnel. The modification is designed towork within the original framework of the game while adding new functions and features tomake the game more realistic while preserving the strategy aspect of the original game play.This mod features about 50 new vehicles all of which have some special purpose in mindrequiring you to take the time to think about what it is you’ll need to send to address thesituation at hand. Currently there is a functional but unsupported Multi?player mode, we donot support this feature at this time as we’ve not tested this extensively enough to guaranteethat it is bug-free It does support MP function though. Free-play however, is supported and any bugs pertaining to the free playmode of the game will be looked into for subsequent patches necessary if the bug is a majorissue.MikeyPI: Team leader and 3D modeler for this mod.Hoppah: Team scripter, vehicle coding and bug fixer. (Also the author of the original DodgeCharger modified for this mod’s Dodge Charger)NewFoundKing: Vehicle lighting and map modification.Francis: Some scripting and general assistance.
Coastal Rescue
By Dosedmonkey
Here is what I have managed to make over the years. Feel free to use any of the models, testures or script in your own mode, giving due credit where required.
All the best.
Helping Peter
By bma
The First release of Helping Peter
In the mod you get the chance to play as a Danish First Responder trying to save injured peoples lives untill ambulances arrive.
The mod will most cartainly put your first aid knowledge to the test!
Bordsund Modifikation 1.0
By USMarshal
New sounds
Vehicles of Chidea (THANKS)
General changes in Maps 1-7
Light fixes (I've doctored the lights on some vehicles.)
New Skins!
Altered Freeplaymap
New special signaling systems
New Homebase
THW and DB vehicles
New Skins!
Some other bases (of PD and RD)
Danke an alle Modelle von/Special thanks to the models of:
Chidea - For the fire trucks and the blue light bar
Rihis - For the special signal bars and lights
Surround basement or Jonny - For the special signal system
Flo. Wesermarsch 12-22 - For its special signal system
Black Hunter and Mark Florian - For the special signaling systems
Florian Hagen 51/93/1 - For his special signal system
TimmeyX, ERS, Mibblitz, Engine.Co.7 and Florian Hagen for the NRW-MTW
David - For his Wuppertal patrol car and the VW Tiguan
VPI and Silverhawk - for the Fiat Ducato
skaihof - Master for his Movano
Iglheaz - For his Crafter and the Audi Q7
godra - For his Citroen C5 ELW
Magicman - For its MoveTo scripts
TimmeyX - For his front flashers
Heros - Script for his inside attack
Niederwallufer - for his city-sign
Hoppah - For his VWCrafter
Armed party name - of Woltep
Guard by Abraxsas
Skin by Flea (Günzburg) />
GeRrItK. / Abraxsas, Günzburger, Tobbi 95 - for their rescue station
Sani_Atomical - for the Wache
Niederwall shore - for his sign
skaihof - for the Police Station
skaihof - for the Baustellen-Set houses (with parts of )
skaihof - for the ad-signs
Einsatzleiter: Modell: Stormi & EM Freaky | Skin: Walter
Geronimo EKIA - for his magnetic bluelight
Freiburger, Sebi19222, Supercop Jonny, skaihof - Arbeiter-Skins
Robert, David - for the VW Tiguan used as "Notfallrettung"
SimPF - Ausfahrtsschild
Florian Essen - for his CityLightSign
Florian Boppard 2/44 - for the Spritzenhaus
Sven0815 - for the ad-sign (Feuerwehr)
Authors of the Gate "Falltor":
Modell: BF Frankfurt am Main
Textur: BF Frankfurt am Main
Animation: BF Frankfurt am Main
Skins: Emergency1234
Sven - for his Paramedic-Case (Notfallkoffer)
Saugschlauch - Standard-Schranke
E4Modder3D - Baustellenset
Stadtaffe, Wittener, Walter - Police and SEK-Uniforms
supercop Jonny - Police man uniform
LittleAngel, Stormi, David - Volkswagen T5 (SEK)
S Jonny, Hoppah - Einsatzkleidung Notarzt- und Ärztin
dnm, ERS, Geronima EKIA, MadMonk, Kasseläner, BWRobert - Police Transporter HH
Neue und veränderte Sounds
Fahrzeuge von Chidea (DANKE)
Allgemeine Veränderung der Maps 1-7
Lightfixes (Ich habe die Lichter von einigen Fahrzeugen frisiert.)
Viele Neue Skins und Fahrzeuge!
Veränderte Freeplaymap (Änderungen)
Neue SOSI (Keine Änderung)
Neuer ELW-FW
THW und DB Fahrzeuge
Danke an alle Modelle von/Special thanks to the models of:
Chidea - For the fire trucks and the blue light bar
Rihis - For the special signal bars and lights
Surround basement or Jonny - For the special signal system
Flo. Wesermarsch 12-22 - For its special signal system
Black Hunter and Mark Florian - For the special signaling systems
Florian Hagen 51/93/1 - For his special signal system
TimmeyX, ERS, Mibblitz, Engine.Co.7 and Florian Hagen for the NRW-MTW
David - For his Wuppertal patrol car and the VW Tiguan
VPI and Silverhawk - for the Fiat Ducato
skaihof - Master for his Movano
Iglheaz - For his Crafter and the Audi Q7
godra - For his Citroen C5 ELW
Magicman - For its MoveTo scripts
TimmeyX - For his front flashers
Heros - Script for his inside attack
Niederwallufer - for his city-sign
Hoppah - For his VWCrafter
Armed party name - of Woltep
Guard by Abraxsas
Skin by Flea (Günzburg) />
GeRrItK. / Abraxsas, Günzburger, Tobbi 95 - for their rescue station
Sani_Atomical - for the Wache
Niederwall shore - for his sign
skaihof - for the Police Station
skaihof - for the Baustellen-Set houses (with parts of )
skaihof - for the ad-signs
Einsatzleiter: Modell: Stormi & EM Freaky | Skin: Walter
Geronimo EKIA - for his magnetic bluelight
Freiburger, Sebi19222, Supercop Jonny, skaihof - Arbeiter-Skins
Robert, David - for the VW Tiguan used as "Notfallrettung"
SimPF - Ausfahrtsschild
Florian Essen - for his CityLightSign
Florian Boppard 2/44 - for the Spritzenhaus
Sven0815 - for the ad-sign (Feuerwehr)
Authors of the Gate "Falltor":
Modell: BF Frankfurt am Main
Textur: BF Frankfurt am Main
Animation: BF Frankfurt am Main
Skins: Emergency1234
Sven - for his Paramedic-Case (Notfallkoffer)
Saugschlauch - Standard-Schranke
E4Modder3D - Baustellenset
Stadtaffe, Wittener, Walter - Police and SEK-Uniforms
supercop Jonny - Police man uniform
LittleAngel, Stormi, David - Volkswagen T5 (SEK)
S Jonny, Hoppah - Einsatzkleidung Notarzt- und Ärztin
dnm, ERS, Geronima EKIA, MadMonk, Kasseläner, BWRobert - Police Transporter HH
Harbor City
By Blackout
After almost 3 years of modding, Squad 55 has finally decided to release our mod to the public. This mod has been based off of the LA 2.1 mod and has had hundreds of hours of additional changes and improvements. From map texture and layout, to the addition of new units and amazing lighting, functioning hospital, "code 2" scripts, customized stations with personnel area, there have been so many changes that it really is it's own mod.
We decided to release this mod to the public for several reasons. We'd like to share Harbor City with the public and people who don't have the time to join a clan. We want to show everyone what our clan has to offer. If you enjoy playing this mod in single player, we think you'll enjoy the multiplayer experience even more. Of course there is no better place to play fun, realistic, multiplayer games then with the clan that brought you the mod. Visit and sign up. You'll be on your way to joining the longest running, and biggest emergency 4 clan around.
US Army Modification
By Hoppah
The United States Army Mod is a modification for Emergency 4 and based on the presence of the US military in a Middle-Eastern region. The mod features an entirely new map, several army and local (middle-eastern) emergency units, new events, unique units, a development tree and much much more. You can expect a total overhaul of the original game and fun and addictive gameplay!
Important installation/play notes:
1. Remove any older US Army Mod installations (such as versions 0.4b and 0.5)
2. Download and extract the .zip package
3. Install the .e4mod file
4. Launch the game and load the US Army mod
5. Use the mission-menu and select 'Play United States Army Mod' to launch a new game
The US Army mod is not freeplay nor multiplayer compatible!
Don't forget to check out the US Army Mod Subforum for the latest news and discussions about this modification.
Miami Modification
By EmC-Unit
About 20 playble units from Miami!;
Completely new models;
Real lights and sirens;
Some useful Scripts...