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  • Los Angeles Mod 2.1 By Hoppah

    • 677,607
    Features- More than 50 playable units from Los Angeles- Highly detailed and accurate models- A completely new freeplaymap- 10 new missions- New sirens- Directional lights and floodlights- Fire station, police station and hospital- Automatic weapons and ballistic shields- Police barricades, traffic cones and flares- Bomb robots and motorcycles- Emergency 4 Deluxe and 911:First Responders compatible- Multiplayer compatible- English translation and voices and much more...   This content i
  • Norway Modification Revamped By Tor_Laws

    • 22,796
    This is a revamped version of the Norway Modification, main credits goes to chirsblaalid and his NoMod Team. Download all three parts to the same place. Open part 1.rar and run the e4mod file. Updates and bugfixes by me: New logo for the mod.New loading screen.New skins for the Fire department.One new ambulance skin.New K9 unit skin.New passat UP skin for police.New skin for the police vito.Fixed KRIPOS investigator without vest
  • Blender V3O Import/Export Scripts By MedicalByte

    • 1,867
    This is an alternative download for the Blender V3O import/export scripts listed here: http://www.emergency-planet.com/topic/20108-blender-v3o-importexport-scripts/ Thanks goes to THVFD for his patience while I bugged him with all my Zmodeler2 questions.   Requires Blender v2.7   These scripts are licensed under the GNU GPL v2.0 license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt).   Any use of these scripts and resulting actions is at the sole-risk of the user! I
  • Helping Peter By bma

    • 17,555
    The First release of Helping Peter In the mod you get the chance to play as a Danish First Responder trying to save injured peoples lives untill ambulances arrive. The mod will most cartainly put your first aid knowledge to the test!
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